Sunday, April 20, 2008

Womens Day and Bags

We have 15,000 clients at Growing Opportunity, its hard to remember them all. One of the great things is that at Women's Day in March we gave out thousands of bags that have the Growing Opportunity Logo. Since then we have seen 5 bags and got pictures of 3 of them.

First one is at the long Saidapet Bus Stand

My Vegetable Lady - You can read about her on my family site by clicking here

The Third one was in T. Nagar on South Usman on the way to the bus stand.

# 4 was at Mary Gloria's house. Her sister is a client :)

# 5 was walking out of Mary Gloria's slum to LDG Road I saw a guy carrying one. These bags sure get around.


Anonymous said...

Hello, found your blog quite neat. Nice pics.

Bungz said...

Hey Nan, thought you'd be interested... We finished with 25100 clients end of July... ;)