Friday, April 27, 2007

Birthday Party

Today is our friend Clair's Birthday Party. We plan to rejoice that she survived to being 16! Wow, I can't believe that in only 14 years my little one will be 16. No dating or driving for her. I am going to keep her in a bubble. She will only eat sugarless candy and love her vegetables. Her life will be perfect.


Like that will work with the little one as well as it worked with me. God can protect her so much more than I can.
Her uncle Q loves her too!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

We moved

Some day I would like to do a landscape quilt. Maybe one of these pictures of the veiw from where we lived. We are out of the chalet and I haven't touched my quilting items since then.

Monday, April 9, 2007

I am still alive

Hello everyone,
Since we are working on getting letters out to our friends and making contact with others right now my quilting is on the back burner.
I live vicariously though my friends. Here is a great quilt by Michelle. I never liked tans until I met this quilt. The points are amazing! She was in my Moving in after Moving On class which I would highly recommend everyone taking.
Good night,