So what is Mystery Shopping? You get paid to go to a store, restaurant, gas station, bank or tire store and evaluate food, service, personnel, stock and content to find out if the company is doing its job. That and you get paid, not a whole lot but something to make it worth your while. Some you get reimbursed for what you buy including memberships, bowling games, clothes and food. Some you are authorized to reveal yourself and take pictures of what they need to improve on. In this case they needed to stock their shelves a bit more.
I have been doing this for 3 years now. I started because I was pregnant and too sick to have a job. To get a little cash I tried it out and now I have worked for maybe 15 companies. The jobs available depend on the company and where you are living. Some chains only shop certain districts so you move and you may not be able to do what you did before. I have earned between $1.75 and $35 in fees for a job. I am not getting rich but it does give me some spending money.
I think the hardest ones are the cell phone shops because I have done so many of them. I don't want to reveal that I know too much of they think you are a mystery shopper. I had one guess I was one and I had to play dumb. I think I failed that mission.